Why I am leaving South Africa (again) and don’t plan to ever move back


The Battle of Blood River. The  charge of the Boers to avenge  Dingaan's Daag.        Date: 16th December 1838

G39FXE The Battle of Blood River. The charge of the Boers to avenge Dingaan’s Daag. Date: 16th December 1838

I have spent my life cursed with a morbid imagination and, to make matters worse, it’s an unusually vivid and active one. 

As a child, I was convinced that my parents were imposters who took off their human skins at night and that I was the subject of a weird experiment by a race of spider people.

Even now, my first thoughts in most situations tend to be dark and treacherous (to my mental health at least). Someone is 15 minutes late to an appointment? They’ve obviously died in a car crash, been hijacked and shot, or are being raped to death in a tik den somewhere. A strange sound at night is never just the house settling, always a gang of depraved, murderous burglars coming to ram an AK47 up my innocent butthole. These scenarios enter my mind unbidden, played out in lurid detail. 

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